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Updated: 2023-11-11

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Wednesday, December 1, 2021

It all takes a very long time before we have tickets. On November 14, 2021 we asked for information about tickets.
On November 26, 2021 we received that information. And we agreed with that the same day, we fly with the KLM.
And now we finally have two tickets. It is definitive (as far as definitive is possible in this time of COVID infections), we leave on January 30, 2022 to Thailand and we will return to March 16, 2022.
Why this all has taken so long is us clear, we are not very satisfied with it.

But now we can start preparing.
Tom must apply for a visa, which is nowadays via the internet. That means the necessary preparation, luckily a lot has been written about Thailandblog. There is also a lot and clear information on the site of the Thai Embassy in the Hague.
Both Pia and Tom must also have a Thailand pass, also to be requested via the internet, and there is also the necessary information on Thailandblog and on the site of the Thai Embassy. In any case, for both of us, a health insurance is required (in addition to our existing health insurance policies) that mentioned the insured amount in the policy.
A few days before departure we must be tested on Corona, otherwise we cannot do the plane. As soon as we arrive in Thailand we have to be tested again and await the result in a hotel. That hotel must be reserved in advance.

Furthermore, we know what we should take and especially buy, it is already the 28th time we go to Thailand together.

Link: Thailandblog.
Link: Thaise ambassade.
Link: Nethai.
Link: KLM.

Written on: 2021-12-02


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